5 Top trends in software development to look watch out for in 2

We are headed towards 2021, and software engineering is getting more advanced. As the IT sector is exploring new technologies like Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things, software development is getting more exciting. It is the reason why there has been a surge in software development gig.

The software development market is forecasted to reach $507.2 billion by 2021. The market is driven by business software, security software, and automation software.

Software development has been the first point of innovations in the digital age. Then came web development and later app development. So, let’s explore some software development trends to watch out for in 2021.

1. Agile Development:

An agile methodology is an incremental approach that deals with short period sprints. Every sprint is a better version of the preceding sprint. The agile approach explores a team effort. Where every team has a specific task, each task accomplishes decided goals.

Agile methods have made software development more rapid, accurate, and technologically sound.

2. Cognitive Computing:

Cognitive computing is an excellent way to process a considerable amount of data patterns. As the sources of data are increasing due to new platforms for user-generated content, there needs to be more processing power.

BigData processing needs more capable systems. But, with cognitive computing, software development firms can integrate machine learning capabilities.

3. Component-Based Development:

CPS or Cyber-Physical Systems need multi-faceted software development. The software capabilities demand more functionalities, hardware integrations, rapid progress, and even multi-mode systems.

The need for integration of multi-components into a single framework can be achieved through efficient development. The complexity of CPS software is managed through partitions. These mutually exclusive partitions are independently functional.

4. IoT-based Developments:

Enterprise-grade automation needs integrations of IoT. With the latest software developments in IoT integrations, such automation achieved. Hardware or firmware compatibilities with the software engineered products are necessary.

The global IoT-based solutions market is forecasted to grow by up to $1.6 trillion by the end of 2025. The market crossed $212 billion last year. It is driven by industrial automation and wearable markets. Smart wearables have been the biggest revenue generator in IoT. Software developers can explore smart wearables as a potential market.

5. Blockchain:

The decentralized approach of blockchain is not limited to financial transactions anymore, and it is now breaking the barriers. With blockchain-based software developed in the fields of healthcare, education, and other domains, it is getting more attention.

It is a technology that explores the democratization of data. The data transactions are carried out through a single ledger. It keeps the anonymity of verifiers. Thus, the data is not controlled by a specific platform. Blockchain is undoubtedly the future of software development.


Software engineering is gaining more traction. Even there has been a surge in jobs related to it. This has also made the business of software development more lucrative than ever. These trends will be in demand for 2021 and beyond. So, if you are looking to go for software development, these are the trends to watch out for.

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Written by jenifer paul



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