7 Effective Hair Mask To Treat Your Hair Fall Problem

hair mask

Due to pollution, your hair tends top fizzy and dry day by day. And it causes hair fall, to overcome this problem, keeps your scalp full of nutrients that boost hair growth. All you need to do it apply good quality and nutrients rich mask on your hair and scalp. Here is the seven most effective hair mask to fight against hair fall problem:

#1. Egg, Yoghurt and Olive Oil Mask:

  • Now add one whole egg ( both part yolk and white part) to it
  • Pour three tablespoons olive oil to it
  • Mix well all these ingredients together
  • Now your mask is ready, apply on your scalp and hair
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes
  • Rinse your hair using lukewarm water, shampoo and conditioner afterward

#2. Banana Mask:

  • Take one ripe banana in a bowl and mash it using a fork
  • Add 3 to 4 drops almond oil and one tablespoon Amala powder to it (it is rich in iron, calcium, antioxidants and vitamin C)
  • Mix it well and make it paste
  • Apply this mask and leave it in your hair and scalp at least 10 to 15 minutes
  • Now rinse your hair using lukewarm water, shampoo and conditioner afterward

#3. Onion Hair Mask:

  • Take 3 to 4 onions, peel and grate them finely
  • Now filter this juice by using the strainer
  • Apply this mixture on your scalp with the help of the cotton ball
  • Leave this solution overnight in your scalp
  • Rinse your hair in the morning with lukewarm water
  • Please note this mask should be applied dry hair only

#4. Potato Hair Mask:

  • Take two medium-size potatoes, peel and grate them
  • Squeeze the juice of grated potatoes, and stain it
  • Add two tablespoon honey and two tablespoons aloe overa gel or juice
  • Mix well until the ingredients dissolve properly
  • Massage your scalp with this pack for 8 to 10 minutes
  • Wear a shower cap and leave this mask for 2 hours
  • After 2 hours rinse your hair with water
  • Use this mask twice in a week for quick result

#5. Olive Oil, Almond Oil and Vitamin A Mask:

  • Take equal part of olive oil and almond oil
  • Add vitamin A oil (you can add Vitamin A capsule oil) to it
  • Apply it on your scalp and throughout your hair
  • Leave it at least 2 hours ( you can leave it overnight) in your hair
  • Olive oil gives strength to your roots and also adds shine to your hair

#6. Avocado Hair Mask:

  • Take one avocado and mash it properly
  • Add one tablespoon fenugreek seed powder and green tea powder to it
  • Pour some warm water and mix them well to make a paste
  • Apply this mask on your hair for 20 to 30 minutes
  • After that rinse your hair with lukewarm water

#7. Hair Mask Using Honey, Garlic Juice and Aloe Vera Juice:

Hair Mask Using Honey, Garlic Juice and Aloe Vera Juice

  • Take one tablespoon honey, two tablespoons aloe vera juice and half tablespoon garlic juice
  • Add one egg yolk (yolk only)
  • Mix well all the ingredients together
  • Leave it in your scalp 20 to 25 minutes
  • Rinse your hair with water and shampoo
  • You can also store this solution in the refrigerator for the next time use

So, these are some most effective natural hair mask for hair fall, which make your hair beautiful and healthy.

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Written by jenifer paul



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