8 Advanced Techniques For Promoting Your Content

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In content marketing, some people have so much success with thousands of readers. Excellent content also plays a vital role in getting traffic. Here I will cover more advances techniques to promote your content.

1. Become a Redditor

With the 1.5 billion visitors per month and an excellent engagement community, Reddit becomes the third most visited website in the US. So it is a great platform to share your content on a highly engaging website. The comments that are upvoted by others will help to earn Karma points. Keep one thing in mind that your post is not just traffic, but traffic that converts.

2. Answer questions on Quora

There are 300 million active users per month in Quora. The primary benefit is that it is very SERP friendly. So if you want your content visible on Quora, you also work on some organic exposure via Google search result. One more benefit of Quora is that the community is not as nuanced and as hardcore compared to Reddit. Moreover, there are no strict guidelines that you have to follow to post content. You can post images, text, links, including self-serving links, video, and whatever is necessary to answer the question in detail.

3. Post to a content sharing platform

Re-post your blog onto a content sharing platform. This will not give you much traffic to your website, but it will take your less effort to do that. So why not do that.

4. Copy your articles to Mediums

The low effort way to reach your content to a more audience is to re-post your blog on Medium. This platform has 100 million monthly readers and 200,000 paid subscribers. Generally, the content posting is free for bloggers and mostly free for the reader also, except for some hand-picked content by Medium; only paid subscribers can see that. One more thing that can increase your traffic is submitting your post to a publication. Publications are content feeds with their subscriber base, which can include thousands of readers. The feeds are usually organised around a specific theme and curated by other users. Some publications accept content submissions, but you have to follow their content guidelines.

5. Use multiple content formats

Before start writing the content, do little research about the current scenario or situation of that topic. The resulting content is shaping that research. Your research can be converted to multiple content formats like article, presentation, infographic, video, podcast.

6. Submit guest posts

Guest posting is the best way to establish the presence and grow your backlink profile, which can promote your website long term. When you write for a high domain authority site in your niche, your blog will get more attention and quality backlink. While you are putting your content to the prime place, it will reach the right people, those who are interested in your niche and enjoy your content. Indirectly more traffic converted to your website.

7. Prompt social sharing

The most effective way to promote your content is to offer social media sharing buttons, which can make the reader task easy if they want to share. Set plugin, which allows to tweet suggestion throughout the blog. Highlight your best quote and promote your user by tweet those quotes with one click. Social sharing is worth it to attract more visitors.

8. Join Facebook groups

We know Facebook is a large community of active and engaged users. There are several Facebook groups on many niches. You will join and find new communities as per your business. The strategy behind joins such a group is to get familiar with their society and culture inside and learn what kind of promotional content they are posting.

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Written by admin

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