Can You Guess Which Is The UK’s Fave Dog Breed?

fave dog breed

Can You Guess Which Is The UK’s Most Popular Dog Breed?

According to an animal welfare pioneer (PSDA) in the UK, 26% of the UK population has a dog with an approximate population of 9.9 million pet dogs.

The UK is the country of dog lovers, and there are 1 in 4 people living with the dog in the UK. Have you ever think which dogs have stolen UK’s heart?

When you decided to buy a dog, there are many factors that you have to consider. Each breed of dogs have particular breed traits, so it is advisable to you that choose your dog breed according to your lifestyle.

If you are planning to uplift a dog from the puppy stage, then you need to understand the breed. The puppy stage is the most preferable age for dog training, and it may give you more benefits. Make sure only one thing is that the dog personality will fit in your lifestyle; otherwise, it is not suitable for both of you to manage.

Let’s have a look at the most popular dogs in the UK according to dog registration figures. Check this rundown.

1. Labrador

This dog won many hearts in the UK! Labrador is the family-oriented and social; the nature of this pet is also excellent and well-tempered. They are always ready to make new friends play. Around the children, other dogs and humans, the behavior of this dog is very well. You can also make them more social by nature.

2. Jack Russell

The origin of this breed is in the fox hunting England. It is a very energetic breed and needs a high level of exercise. Generally, this breed is free from any health-related problems. If you are looking for a fun companion, Jack Russel is the perfect choice as an athletic and excitable dog.

3. Labradoodle

The Labradoodle is a crossbreed dog of Labrador and Poodle. This breed is well-tempered, intelligent and full of affection. They love social and outgoing, but they are always happy to stay at home and enjoy family time. It is perfectly suitable for people who have allergies to fur.

4. Staffordshire Bull Terrier

The is the crossing breed of Bulldog and Terrier. This dog simply loves to stay around the people. This breed is very confident, loyal and always ready for an interactive game where they can put their energy and enjoy the playtime with you. They are suitable around the children. When Staffordshire Bull Terrier challenged by other dogs, they are not taking a step back from the fight.

5. Cockapoo

A Cockapoo is a crossbreeding dog between Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle for happy companions and affection. The breed is very social, and they love the people around them. This cute dog will never leave you feeling alone. This breed also loves outgoing, and they are moderately active, but they enjoy the activity like swimming. They can live alone for an extended period as they often suffer from separation anxiety.

Bottom Line

These are the most popular breeds amongst 211 breeds in the UK, but if you are looking for more information about other breeds. Please let me know in the comment section. I hope you enjoy browsing the top dog breed.

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