How to Fix a 401 Unauthorized Error Code (Quick Guide to Solve)

In this article, we explain how to fix a 401 unauthorized error message and how this error occurs.  It is essential to understand how to solve the 401 error message.

The 401 Unauthorized Error is an HTTP status code error that indicates the request sent by the client to the server lacks valid authentication credentials. 401 unauthorized status codes are similar to 403 forbidden errors. Check here to get the best and affordable web hosting provider cheap service with unlimited disk space, bandwidth, and more features to start your faster and secure website.

What is 401 Unauthorized Error

The 401 authorization errors message is an HTTP status code or client-side error, which means you don’t have permission to access the requested website

In simple words, when you are trying to log in to any website, you are getting a 401 error message, and if you want, you have to login first with the right credential.

Mostly 401 error messages occur when you enter wrong additional login information. It consists of a www-Authenticate header which contains the warning on how to authorize correctly.

HTTP status error code appears during the time of loading a web page.  All HTTP status code is related to client-side errors.

There are four types of 4xx error such as Error 400, Error 401, Error 402, Error 403 etc. In the next section, we will discuss how this error occurs.

401 Unauthorized Error may occur due to the reasons given below:

It may occur if you enter the wrong username and the password, hence you get 401 unauthorized errors.

When you are trying to access an invalid URL or trying to access a page without LogIn, then you get 401 authorization error messages.

In some cases, it might be probable that the DNS lookup errors are responsible for the 401 authorization error message on your browser.

Authorized Error: How to Fix 401 Unauthorized Error

There are a few ways you can fix a 401 unauthorized error. Here we explain how you can avoid the problem and give you some additional tips.

  • Check the URL:

Sometimes you type the wrong URL so the first check the entered URL is correct or not, because the 401 error may appear. Hence, make sure that you provide a valid address.

In this case, enter the correct website URL address in your browser and reload the page to fix server error 401 unauthorized.

  • Make Sure You logged in page: 

This error may occur during the login time of the websites. Therefore, if you’re sure the URL is valid, visit the website’s main page then enter your credentials to the Login or Secure Access website.

It may also occur when you login out and log in again to the websites. So first follow the instructions provided on the website for setting up an account then login website.

In case, if you forget your password then reset it and set a new password. This process will be easy if the website linked with your valid email address, then filling the correct login information of your site.

  • Delete your Browser Cookie and History:

401 error message display, it means the client has not authorized to deliver the browser request, there may be the entered invalid credential or corrupted cookies which cause incorrect authentication for the server.

In some situations, there might be wrong login details stored in your browser that’s interrupting the login process and causing the 401 error.

To fix the 401 error, clearing the cache will remove any problems so first clear the cache and delete the browser cookie, and allow the new page to open directly from the server.

  • Temporarily Disable Website Theme:

In rare cases might it occur, check all your best usa hosting service with install Plugins and Theme disable or not. Maybe one of your Plugin or Theme generates 401 errors. You have to disable all Plugins, Theme, and File Manager in the cPanel.

Also, you can contact your webmaster site to resolve this error (Some of the webmaster sites can be reached by email at


In short, 401 Unauthorized Access Error is a known HTML Error status Code, which occurs when you are surfing on the internet or login to any web page.

401 unauthorized errors mostly display on the website that requires user credentials (user ids and password). And you don’t have access rights to the requested page.

Therefore, it’s probably the best to contact the webmaster or other website contact and tell them of the 401 Unauthorized Errors and resolve it.

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Written by Deepak Mhasal


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