How To Take a Good Selfie: DOs And DON’ts

Nowadays, taking a selfie has turned into the new art. There are many different tricks to make a fantastic selfie. Almost all of us take a selfie once in life. Selfies are popping up on every social media platform throughout the world.

Here are a few tips on how to take the best selfie:

Do #1 Play With Angles

If you have no idea what your angle is best to give you the best result, then do some experiment with your angle. Look at the camera and tilt your face right or left. Take a couple of selfies to discover the best perspective. Hold your phone higher than the usual, so that the bottom part of your phone is on the eye level. In this pose, your body will look slim, try this angle too.

Do #2 Good lighting

The excellent time to take a selfie is day time, and you can also choose sunset for the golden effect. Perfect light means a beautiful picture. Sidelight and window will brighten your face naturally and minimize the shadow effect. Natural light is the best way to take a photo. Don’t take a selfie under florescent light that won’t look good. Candlelight could work better.

Do #3 Use Front Lens

The front camera of your phone covers more easily your facial expression. Make sure that you have enough lighting while taking the photo for the best result. You can also use beauty mode while taking close up.

Do #4 Looking Natural

We have seen that people were twisting themselves into the very unnatural pose while taking a selfie. No matter what’s your favorite selfie poses, you have to look natural while click. Keep the camera far away from your face to a more natural look.

Don’t #5 Over-Edit

I firmly believe that natural looks better. Try not to over-edit your selfie or more filter using in your picture. If you click in proper lighting, you really should not put much effort into correcting it. Keep in mind, selfies are about you and owing yourself. So don; ‘t overdo beauty filter, its looks artificial image.

Don’t #6 Close To camera

You can not take a complimentary selfie with too close to the camera or phone. This is because the part of the face that is closer to the camera looks bigger than the features on the rest of your face. If you don’t want that your nose looks bigger, then don’t take your phone on some distance.

Don’t #7 Over Smile

Natural smiles are always better than forceful artificial Smiles. Practice your self in the mirror until you get it right. Click a real smile and see how your picture looks. Over smile, photos always look unnatural.

The Last Words

We take selfies to capture the moment on camera. So show your true colors and click on some unique location. The most important thing is to play with angle, find some light, and Smile: a perfect click. Be yourself and have fun.

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Written by oliver


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