Ideas to stay physically active during Self Quarantine

No matter you are self-quarantined or home isolated by your ruling government, but It’s hard to time to stay fit and active as you can’t go out to your gym for a workout due this COVID-19 pandemic situation. Spending most of your time at home with less or almost zero physical activity may impact your health & fitness, or it might lead you to eat lots of food and gain weight.

Keeping an eye on this situation, the WHO (World Health Organization) recommended doing at least 75 to 150 mins of moderate workout or any physical activities to stay fit at your home during this quarantine season. So, that you visit physically fit to fight corona and its widespread infection by improvising your health quality.

To make things easy for you, here are some ideas to stay active during this quarantine without going out.

  • Eat Healthily:

Well, there is no specific evidence that says COVID-19 is also transmitted via food. Yet, you need to implement food safety practices and precautions to minimize infection risk. During this home quarantine, as people remain less active in their homes, thus its vital to take care of your food in order to keep yourself energetic by eating only required food to keep your immune functional. Because eating a lot can hurt your health and increase weights simultaneously. Also, keep yourself hydrated with water instead of drinking sugar-sweetened or alcoholic beverages available in the market said WHO.

  • Do some exercise:

There are plenty of online videos available on YouTube for fitness & activities that you can do at your home. You can also try yoga or meditation to make yourself calm and stress-free.

Apart from this list, you can also play some physical indoor games with your family. And if you are working from home, make sure you are taking a break at regular interval to do some quick stretching. Doing such tiny physical activities benefits both to your body and mind. For that, you can also take inspiration from WHO’s fitness guidelines.

  • Take quality sleep:

As lots of people are leveraging this time to watch their favourite movie or series till late at night. Such activity of staying up late can affect both your physical & mental health that reduces your immune system’s ability to fight against infections. So, make sure you are getting at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night.

  • Do some household work:

Many people don’t like doing chores or contribute to their housework such as cleaning, laundry etc. But doing such tasks not just help you to assist your parents in their work but also keeps you physically active by burning some calories. However, you should be responsible enough to keep your space organized and clean if you don’t like to contribute.

  • Do the things you love:

In our busy life schedules, usually, it’s tough to find time for the things we love. But in this quarantine, you have enough time, so instead of just doing time pass make sure you are making for the things you love; no matter it is singing, painting, writing, dancing or learning guitar that you always dream off.

So, these are some of the fantastic ideas that you can try to stay active until you can come out of the self-quarantine situation. Lastly, don’t forget to comment on what you are doing to keep yourself active at your home?

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Written by oliver


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