QuickBooks Cloud Hosting service in the USA

The popularity of QuickBooks is growing multi-fold with time! The SMBs in the USA are already using some kind of financial tool to manage the accounts, but the trend is growing fast towards QuickBooks cloud hosting services. You can access your accounts remotely from different devices to keep track of the business expenses & generate correct invoices. The right kind of hosting services will provide high-speed access & guaranteed uptime!

The real-time access of accounting data is always helpful in addressing client concerns & assists collaboration with other team members to find a solution. Technology is growing at a fast pace and accounting is also getting updated regularly. If you’re still engaged in traditional ways of accounting then it is time to make a drastic shift in the mode of operation. The USA is always showing the path to the world in terms of technology adoption & cloud accounting is the norm of modern times.

You get different versions of QuickBooks to handle the business accounting and selecting the right tool will decide the fate of your business. Are you still skeptical about the use of QuickBooks accounting? This guest post is highlighting the features of the QuickBooks tool and the top benefits of choosing QuickBooks cloud hosting services for accounting.


Notable Features of QuickBooks Tools on the Cloud

QuickBooks is the accounting tool meant for automating the financial tasks in businesses & it ends up boosting productivity in the long run. Businesses are also able to save time on managing financial activities in a better way. There are different types of QuickBooks versions in the market & all of them have specific functions related to industrial use. Some of the features are common, while each version has its characteristics.


Let us look at some of the important QuickBooks features available with different versions –

Streamlined Bank Feeds

It is the new feature in QuickBooks tools for easy management of banking transactions every month. If you spend a lot of time entering bank transactions then QuickBooks is the tool that will ease the task of entering data manually. It is easy to categorize the bank transactions with enhanced rules, improvised matching, & batch editing. The other benefit of the feature includes faster importing of bank feeds by automatic categorization or batch-editing the bank transactions by accounts & payees.

Are you looking to improve data integrity with less manual work? QuickBooks is the tool having the bank feed feature to instill data integrity. The businesses will also achieve greater flexibility & efficiency with streamlining of bank feed. You will be able to quickly view & resolve transaction discrepancies with it!


Rules-Based Customer Groups

Businesses can create rule-based customer groups based on different fields like status, location, & customer type. It is easy to manage and use across different platforms. Improve customer management by automatically adding or removing customers from groups based on predefined conditions.

It is easy to stay organized by the creation of customer groups that can be contacted separately. Businesses can get details related to customer type, status, & locations with different customer groups.


Payment Reminders & Automated Statements

One of the vital tasks of businesses is to remind the clients of payments. No need now to send payment reminders manually as automated reminders are sent to customers as per requirement. By automating recurring statements, businesses can save time & get paid faster by the customers. Review all the statements on a regular basis for staying on top of the outgoing statements.

There is the feature of customized reminders in QuickBooks to keep the funds healthily flowing in the business. It also helps the businesses to create a confident relationship with the customers to get paid on time.


Advanced Inventory

Inventory is the kind of feature available with almost all versions of QuickBooks. It is getting updated on a regular basis & thus businesses can build upon the new inventory features to manage their warehouse. Streamline the inventory management operations with improved data level permissions, barcode label prices, & improved cost calculations.

Enhance the security by limiting the user access to a specific set of data or transactions. Improve the delegate user permissions to increase productivity & also save time by avoiding workarounds.


Customized Payment Receipts

It is the kind of feature with which businesses can have a consistent look across all customer communications. Send customized & detailed payment receipts with all relevant fields in them. The business can also send a default template for payment receipt and override it in the payment screen of the customer.



What are the QuickBooks Cloud Hosting Benefits for SMBs in the USA?

The use of cloud technology has changed the ways companies function in the modern world & thus finding the right QuickBooks cloud hosting provider proves to be a cost-saver for businesses. If you’re using QuickBooks desktop for managing the business operations then it is time to move to the cloud to keep the financial accounts active. The QuickBooks hosting provider is essentially influencing the entire performance of the business.


Here are top reasons for hosting QuickBooks on the cloud –

It provides high security. One of the top concerns expressed by firms when it comes to technology is the security concern. The service providers understand the importance of data security & thus provide highly secured 256-bit data encryption.

It increases collaboration among the employees. Individuals within the business can collaborate to complete the business tasks efficiently. Businesses are ensured to get better results due to a higher degree of collaboration among employees. Get rid of incompatible content or file format easily.

It results in the reduction of IT infrastructure costs. SMBs always look to save money in the business process & hosting QuickBooks is one effective way to cut costs. Cloud is accessible via the internet and thus they do not need a dedicated system to be installed in-house. Reduce investment in IT infrastructure on-premises & avail the cloud computing services to host the IT resources.

It helps in easy data backup & disaster recovery. All businesses need to invest in disaster recovery, but the SMBs lack the required skills & cash. The cloud hosting provider backs up data in safe locations and thus the recovery of data becomes simple at a time of disaster.

It enforces privacy. The administrator can decide on the accessibility of data with the right type of QuickBooks hosting on the cloud. There are levels of authorizations in QuickBooks online hosting & it is the place to ensure no one is getting unauthorized access to files.


Final Thoughts!

QuickBooks is the best tool for businesses looking to take their business forward with help of technology. Rely on automated tasks to get suitable results & also results in enhanced customer communication.

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Written by Rupinder Kaur


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