Vaping Helps to Quit Smoking: The Facts You Need to Know!

According to the NHS, an estimated 2.9 million Brits use e-cigarettes, with around 1.5 million having completely stopped smoking cigarettes following the usage of the devices.

Despite this, there’s still a nervousness when it involves measuring e-cigarettes against cigarettes. Consistent with PHE, nearly half the population doesn’t realize e-cigarettes are less harmful than conventional cigarettes.

Choose Less Harmful Alternative: E-cigarettes

The Royal Society of Public Health reported that an estimated 22,000 Brits per annum use them as an aid to quit smoking. Following this, officials said that the devices are twice as effective as nicotine replacement therapies, which extends to patches, gum, nasal spray, lozenges, and inhalers.

Tobacco contains more dangerous contain than e-liquid. Under TPD law within the UK, every bottle of e-liquid must be screened by a third-party laboratory before it is often sold within the market. This ensures that no harmful chemicals are present.

Is Vaping Really Safe?

The majority of those cases relate to advanced users who use more kits that are powerful. Primarily, the explanations relating to users not taking care of the battery or using unregulated devices. It’s imperative that you simply look out of the device as they are using tons of power, especially in devices that feature variable wattage, voltage and temperature control settings.

Making the Transition

Making the switch to vaping are often daunting, especially as there are numerous variations of e-cigarettes. All starter kits are all-in-one devices and need little or no maintenance. They’re easy to know, and once you become more known in vaping, you would possibly consider upgrading to more significant devices that have more features.

Where can I use my E-cigarette?

While vaping has been proven to be less harmful and doesn’t leave a lingering smell, there are places during which it’s not acceptable.

A Places where you can’t vape:


Airports and on Planes (excluding vaping areas)

Buses and Coaches

Sport Stadiums

Music Venues

Hospitals and Hospital Grounds

Restaurants and Cafes




and public places

Know more about the travelling guide: flying with your vape and e-cigarettes on a plane. You should even be careful when travelling together with your e-cigarette as there are some countries where vaping is restricted, with some countries banning them altogether. It’s best checking with the government’s website of the country you’re visiting.

Vaping vs Smoking – the decision

Vaping features a lot of support from leading officials which extends to the NHS, Public Health England, Royal Society of Public Health, ASH and Cancer Research UK.

The conclusion drawn from said officials is that vaping may be a lot less harmful than traditional cigarettes that they need to be fundamental within the progress of reducing the amount of Brits still smoking.

Regarding the decision, well that is for you to make a decision, comment below with what you think! With the help of a search engine, you can also try the high quality of vaping store near me in the UK.

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Written by oliver


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Vaping Instead of Smoking: The Facts you would like to Know!

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