Why is Destination Marriage Gaining Popularity in Recent Era?


A wedding is, by far, the most significant turning point in a person’s life. A life-changing event like this needs special attention. The commitment of the lives of two people is a grandeur occasion in itself. An auspicious occasion where lives meet and bonding of two souls are cherished. What better than celebrating this occasion aside a beach with blue and clear waters or a mountainside with velvety, green grass along?

The Trend of Destination Wedding

Many exotic locations around the world have become accessible in recent era. This can be accounted to globalization. Particularly, traveling abroad for weddings has become much affordable for the middle-class as well as the upper-middle-class population in recent times than it used to be a decade before. Wedding planners have offered a substantial helping hand to make destination weddings affordable for many. The tours inclusive of all arrangements from reception to catering, make destination weddings compact and desirable.

Moreover, the number of guests at destination weddings drastically gets reduced. Only your close relatives and friends who genuinely wish to see you getting engaged and starting a new life accompany you to destination weddings. So why not make your big day the most memorable day of your life?

Destination Weddings OVER Traditional Weddings

Who wouldn’t love to have a broad smile while going through your wedding album? Or witness the beginning of your new life amidst the lush green locations, sun-soaked beaches, and crystal-clear water? All this without the smoke of havan, chaos amongst the relatives, and the intense 3-hour long ritual in a small room.

Destination weddings offer explicit options and advantages. From calm natural spots to most intricately designed locations, you can plan your dream wedding and make it one of your most cherished memories.

Exploring the Culture

For a travel lover, there will be no greater joy than traveling and exploring a new land for the wedding season. The scenery from a banquet hall would be pretty limiting. On the other hand, the Italian countryside would offer abundant natural beauties and landscapes. What more than dancing on the rhythms of the music of a foreign land? How wonderful would it be to spend an evening watching the sunset surrounded by your near and dear ones?

Most people prefer a casual and warm time together in an offset location rather than a formal event in your hometown.

Stress-free Yet Exotic

A destination wedding would only be attended by people who wish to see you flourish in the new beginning of your life. Your close friends and relatives get to spend quality time with you. You won’t have to stress out in the meeting and greeting thousands of relatives which happens at a traditional wedding. Genuine bonds get nurtured, and life-long relationships are sustained. All this without having to break your bank balance.

Weddings hold a special place in everyone’s hearts. And a destination wedding will only make it much more special and enjoyable. The trend for destination weddings will be becoming more popular in the years to come. Destination weddings are a great way to acknowledge the new journey in your life and experience the most blissful moments.

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Written by oliver


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